The Museum present a book about several lace tecnics in Europe
Friday 23th February at Sala Noble in l'Edifici El Calisay d'Arenys de Mar 5 lacemakers groups will present the book Point ground lace. This book has been developed with financial support of the European Union and you can find information historical and technical about 5 lace: punto antico from Italy, blonda lace from Caen, France, lace from Lille-Spitze Germany, Pecna cipka from Slovenia and ret fi català or lace from Arenys, Catalonia, Spain.

Art Nouveau at lace, in memoriam of Joaquim Mollfulleda i Borrell and workshops about ret fi and granadina the activities at 2007
In 2007, the Arenys de Mar's Museum prepare an exhibition about Casa Castells in Arenys de Mar, an important factory in lace made by hand, this factory was founded in 1862 and it was closed in 1962 With 100 years old, Casa Castells was famous with its Modernism laces for sheets, tablecloths, necks, etc.
The Arenys de Mar Museum will inaugurate the exhibition at 9th June and in Setember will present a book about the Casa Castells.
In April, the Museum will remember Joaquim Mollfulleda i Borrell who was the founder of Mineralogical Mollfulleda Museum in 1988 and he was died in May 2006. The Museum prepare a litlle book about him and an exposition about his contribution to the mineralogy.
The other important an new activity for 2007 is the ret fi course and othe about granadina a lace technique that it's very popular in Andalucia and very used to made mantillas (Spanish vel). Angel Sánchez Sirviente will be the teacher in granadina and Núria Marot expert in ret fi will be the director of ret fi course. This activity will do in May in the Marès Lace Museum.