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Systematic Collection

The Mollfulleda Museum of Mineralogy comprises a mineral collection with outstanding quality pieces, systematically classified according to the Stunz System, with indications of the physical, chemical and crystallographical properties.

After donating his private collections to the town of Arenys de Mar, Mr. Joaquim Molfulleda i Borrell became the director of the Museum, which has been gradually enriched through acquisitions and donations. Now, it hosts a considerably large exhibit of minerals, with pieces of prominent value because of their beauty and rareness.

One of the Museum Halls where the systematic collection is exhibited

It's very difficult to assess which are the Museum most important pieces, but we will try to highlight some of them:

  • A local bismuth of nearly one inch, crystallized in scale, from Villanueva de Córdoba
  • An outstanding neptunite from California
  • The aquamarines from India and Pakistan
  • A big piece of fluorite from Cherzoi, (India)
  • The big and spectacular pieces of malachite from Kolwezi (Congo)
  • The crystals of moscovite with albite from Brasil
  • The collections of calcites from Pozo Coroña
  • The rare collection of aragonites from many Spanish and Moroccan sites
  • A spectacular laumontite from Sierra Cabrera
  • A whole showcase of Spanish pyrites
  • The collections of sulfites, oxides and fluorites
  • Outstanding apophyllites

Also worth to mention are:

  • A collection of Eugui dolomites in which it stands out a piece of more than 50 kg and magnificent transparent crystals
  • A collection of Spanish cassiterites from sites which doesn’t exist anymore

Anyway, we believe that the best way to admire this extraordinary pieces is to visit the Mollfulleda Museum of Mineralogy.

Pictures (click to observe an image with a greater size)

cobaltocalcite with kolwezite (Congo)



tobernite (Villanueva del Fresno)


rutile (Ibitiara, Brazil)

local bismuth (Villanueva de Córdoba)

Arenys de Mar Museum  -  carrer de l'Església, 43  -  93 792 44 44   -